Skybuilders' Tools also come with 6 CP, which is great.
However, if never pentamelded your Aesthete mainhand, or if you didn't focus on control in the pentamelding process, or if you're just using white scrip i500 mainhand, or if you're using the Skysung Tools, then the i510 Skybuilders' Tools will be an upgrade for you. If you already possess pentamelded i490 Aesthete mainhand tools that focus on control stats, the Skybuilders' Tools will actually be slightly inferior in terms of control. In terms of stats, the Skybuilders' Tools are i510.
As of Shadowbringers Patch 5.45, the Skybuilders' Tools are 1st set of crafting/gathering tools ever introduced in the game that glow immediately when unsheathed, which is an extremely attractive glamor item. However, all the Blessed Tools only glow when they are "in action", whereas normal "relic weapons" of battle jobs supposed to glow immediately when unsheathed. FFXIV had previously introduced 2 other glowing tool sets in the Stormblood expansion, including the "Blessed XXX-keep's tools" (glows in gold in action) and the "Blessed XXX-king's tools" (glow in purple-ish silver in action). crafters' & gatherers' "relic weapons"), which turns the tools into " Skybuilders' Tools" that glow with dragon scales when unsheathed.

This guide documents tips and hints for the final step of the " Skysteel Tools" (a.k.a. 2 votes Note: FF14 Advanced Crafting Guide by Caimie Tsukino has just been re-vamped! Tips on all other types of Expert Recipes can be found in Ch24:Ĭaimie Tsukino's Guide for Expert Recipes and Skybuilders' Tools